Below are tables which list the various provisions for each holding. If there are no provisions in the store you cannot buy anything from it. They are added to the store by completing certain fleet projects. These provision the fleet stores so that your members can buy fleet equipment.
There are also provision projects which you can run. As soon as that upgrade is complete those projects will be available again. You cannot cancel any projects, but you can change the queued project before it becomes active. When a track needs to be upgraded the upgrade project will unlock and some projects for that track will become unavailable. This means that as soon as the one on the right is complete, the right one will activate. The ones on the right are active, the ones on the left are queued. In addition to everything above, if you are the leader of a fleet or have the permission to manage fleet projects, your holdings window will look slightly different.
Fleet leaders must run projects to replenish provisions. You can only buy fleet equpiment if there are provisions. The Chancellor & High Council have decided to start the Provision Fleet Ships I and offer the Basic Ship Provisioning to a group of 5 that have the 200,000 dilithium (40,000 each) as these are completed we will offer the Basic Ship Provisioning to another group, ect. These can be contributed to fleet projects.